Outreach Mission

Mission To Nagaland

We travelled more than 800 km to and from the boarders of Burma(moki) on hill track road and had a such a wonderful service and move of God .The temperature is about 5 Celsius freezing cold and we didn’t bring any warm clothes .Imagine the leaders and the church for 14 years has been praying for God to send someone to preach and pray for the Holy ghost outpouring and none had the Holy ghost exept for the pastor. The Pentecostal church here is very orthodoxy strong in the doctrine and in administration and had little knowledge of the spirit of God. Most of them are hill people farmers that earn from hand to mouth with less than USD 50 per month .The people anticipated with great hunger to receive the outpouring and many walk for days to reach to this foot hill where we were holding the meetings .One man walk for 3 days from Burma to attend the service.

On our first night visit to Moki village the people sang and worship without any musical instruments however during the end of the service the Spirit of God began falling like as of rain and many were filled and was under the power of God -this is the first time they are having such a move and touch of God .Since then night after night God lifts us in to a dimension of the heavenlies ,there were healing ,deliverance ,infilling of the Holy Ghost and prophecies after prophecies that we went to Nagaland under God’s leading for such as this time . To date more than we believe more than 800 were filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost ,many were Bap.